The Law Firm

Artur Leszczyński
Legal Counsel

has been operating on the legal services market since 2010. The Firm’s numerous team of legal counsels with extensive professional interests guarantees professional legal support to our clients in many areas of law.

„Iustitia est constans et perpetua voluntas ius suum cuique tribuendi. Iuris praecepta sunt haec: honeste vivere, alterum non leadere, suum cuique tribuere.„

(Justice is the constant and eternal will to give to everyone what is due to him. The principles of the law are: to live honestly, not to harm another, to give back to each what is due to him.)

The Law Firm
Artur Leszczyński Legal Counsel

The Law Firm Artur Leszczyński Legal Counsel has been operating in the legal services market for over a decade. The team of legal counsels provides comprehensive services to both entrepreneurs, institutional clients and individuals.

We mainly serve entrepreneurs in the areas of commercial and business law, real estate law, with regard to the specifics of their business activities and therefore contracts.

Institutional clients benefit from our legal services, taking into account the specific nature of their business, whether it concerns their substantive law or the Public Procurement Law or the Public Finance Act.

Individual clients, entrust us with legal services in the most diverse areas of law, just to mention civil matters, Family and Guardianship Code, inheritance law or criminal law.

Each case entrusted to us is important to us.
In providing legal services, we emphasise professionalism, efficiency, respect for the client’s time and, above all, respect for the law, as expressed in the paroemia Ius est ars boni et aequi (The law is the art of what is good and right).

Our Services


Real estate

Family and
guardianship cases



Labour law

The Law Firm
Artur Leszczyński
Legal Counsel

ul. Kopalniana 14G lok. 21
01-321 Warsaw


tel: 022-123-45-99
fax: 022-123-45-96